Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lettering, old skool

I'm probably still the only artist to do lettering like this. Usually, the lettering isn't part of the artwork and is done seperately to keep the art clean. For me, I sometimes like the lettering to be part of the art. When i visualise the image, sometimes I can't see it without the lettering and it makes sense to combine the two to make one piece. And I actually enjoy doing hand lettering like this. I hand lettered the cover titles to just about all of my books. It's the interior lettering for the dialogue and text that's a major pain.


1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I'm looking to buy some originals draws of Atilio Gambedotti. If you can, tell him my adress mail please : ventesacrieur[ateuh]gmail.com.

